Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tall House!

Our roofs are on and we are getting pretty excited. We never realized the house was going to be sooooo tall. At least there will be no one in back of us complaining we are blocking their view of the valley. We have the house situated far enough over near the tree line so no one will be building directly in back of us.  The two levels of roof are to allow warm air to rise and escape out the windows between the two roofs.  
Our builder, Christian Arce, did an amazing job on the basement. We are shocked he is going to all the trouble to put such a nice plaster and paint finish on the block basement walls. The basement arches were another big surprise how nice they turned out. On the weekends, when the guys go home, we can sit up on our veranda and enjoy our “home”. Tonight we saw three young toucans while sitting up there.
We are in the “hunting stage” for house fixtures and tile. Fortunately we think we have located enough choices that we don't have to drive to San Jose in the north part of Costa Rica. We thought we were taking a trip there this week but this Saturday found enough choices to satisfy our needs and canceled our trip to the north. We will drive down the other side of the mountain early tomorrow morning to look at a hardware (ferreteria) store down along the coast to make sure we are satisfied with our choices.
Enjoying the Sights
This past Saturday we were walking through a coffee farm inter-planted with banana trees. The bananas give the coffee plants shade. Thought you might like to see coffee and bananas growing on a lovely little farm in the mountains.

 Unripe Coffee Beans
John and I continue to pick mandarin lemons and make a lemon/orange juice drink. We often have visitors stopping here while touring Serenity for our “lemonade” refreshment. The lemons grow wild and we get oranges from Aldemar's brother down the road. Yum! No coke please!

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